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the semi-regular musings of a semi-regular dude who's trying his best to make anything-but-regular music.


planes, trucks and barf

oh my crap. what a stinkin' weekend, literally. so thursday i flew to corpus christi, hereafter referred to as the hottest f'in place in the world, h.f.p.i.t.w. for short, to help my dad move halfway across the state. because i'm a good son. and apparently as penance for making his hair prematurely gray.

things got off to a bang thursday morning when my brother, hereafter referred to as "the tool", called me to tell me he'd changed his mind and wouldn't be flying down with me to help, thanks all the same. then, i found out that my stepbrother, the one able bodied person that was now helping, wasn't coming down either. sweet. to top it all off, just before i went to the gate to catch my plane (delta...go figure), dad calls to tell me that the only truck uhaul has available doesn't have any air conditioning. un-stinkin-believable. so i'm pretty much loading this truck by myself and then driving it 9 hours in 90 degree heat without air conditioning. (note to self: being a bad son isn't so bad, after all).

cut to sunday morning. the truck was loaded friday with nary a hitch. i drove it across texas saturday without a) turning it over or b) passing out or c) putting cigarettes out on my arm to stay awake. we even got it unloaded saturday nite, thanks to the help of the stepwife's son-in-law and his brother. anyway, sunday...i'm sitting on the airplane (continental...yeah!!), just as we're taking off when the dude in front of me barfs all over himself and the side of the plane. i don't mean a little bit of upset stomach in a doggie bag. we're talking "chunk throwing fake puke over the balcony of the movie theatre" goonies style type action. in the next 2.5 hours he lost it once more all over himself and the plane and at least twice more into a bag. needless to say, it wasn't a very fun flight. all i could picture was this guy turning around to apologize to me and the lady i was sitting next to only to barf in our faces. this, of course, would've triggered a barf-a-rama reminiscent of stand by me. no kidding, it's all i could think about: lardass davey hogan shooting blueberry pie all over the place.

so in light of all my recent travel mishaps, i'm curious as to what people think is worse: losing your luggage or having some guy lose his lunch on your flight?


At 12:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah...I think that the guy losing his lunch would be much worse than losing your luggage.

At 12:25 PM , Blogger Stella said...

I'm impressed that you didn't pass out on the drive. Back in the day when I was still driving my ghetto cruiser of a first car (The Magic Carpet Ride - no shocks, ceiling hanging down, broken passenger door, broken passenger seat), I went through an entire Tennessee summer (we'll call it the second f'ing hottest place in the world) with no a/c. I would arrive drenched with sweat anywhere I went. It was fab.

Too bad you didn't have a groove purse to help a brutha out.

At 8:34 AM , Blogger Jamie said...

Losing lunch is way worse than losing luggage. How old was this guy? If you're 15 or older there is absolutely no reason why you should be ralphing on yourself, much less all over the plane! I seriously doubt anyone would object to you spending the flight in the bathroom. You, of course, meaning the Barfmaster, not you, Newton.

I seriously would have moved or gotten off the flight. I can't take that stuff. Totally disgusting.


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