(insert name here)

the semi-regular musings of a semi-regular dude who's trying his best to make anything-but-regular music.



we (the public) often hear of the "liberal media," and it's never referenced in a positive way. liberal is apparently the new leprosy. i was thinking it through and something just doesn't make sense to me:

-if almost every major media outlet is owned by a mega-corporation (tv, newspaper, radio, movie - at last count almost all are owned by 1 of 6 companies),

-if it's no secret that almost all corporations ("big business") favor conservative, more business friendly political organizations (read: republican), and if the same is true for the ultra-wealthy who own or control these corporations,

-then why would they allow the companies they control or own to promote liberal/progressive viewpoints that are counter to their beliefs and objectives?

hoodwinked? maybe...

for a more detailed and intellectual view on the media and how it is used against us, please read manufacturing consent by edward s herman and noam chomsky.


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