(insert name here)

the semi-regular musings of a semi-regular dude who's trying his best to make anything-but-regular music.



this time next week i'll be sucking up fruity alcohol drinks on some beach in tropical maui, hawaii. on the man's nickel. many of you might recall stories of my escapades whilst in bermuda on a similar trip last year. turns out i've still got them thinking i'm pretty good at what i do, or i haven't given them any reasons to keep my ass out. i might not like my job much, but free trips for doing my job sure beats a swift kick to the balls.

anyway, on to this weekend. i pretty much lived in the studio. i was in my hole for 3 hours friday nite. 5 hours on saturday. 8 hours on sunday. 11 hours yesterday. not to mention 3-4 hours every day since february 11 (yes even on my anniversary and valentine's day. i got permission!).

as of today i've got all 3 songs almost completely finished. one of them IS finished since i've hit the limit on maximum audio tracks allowed in my version of protools - 24 - that's a lot! i've got to double check the last song and make sure there's nothing that needs fixing or tweaking or general shining up. probably gonna get into that on wednesday.

tonite? i'm gonna go buy some trail running shoes, reintroduce myself to the bwe, go home and let my brain quit thinking about the same 9 minutes of noise that have been my sole focus since...what day is it again? maybe catch love monkey (if the twits at cbs didn't cancel it). catch up on scrubs and the office. go to bed before 1. who knows? the options are endless...


At 7:25 PM , Blogger Stella said...

Now I need to learn how the b.w.e manages. It is my new mission.

Maybe I'll ask her when I see her in a few days. Woo hoo!

Oh...and I can't wait to hear the new stuff. Really.

At 10:22 PM , Blogger Memphis Chix said...

I didn't forget about you playing a show here; I just haven't made it out to talk to anyone yet. I will have something for you by the time you come back from the island, though. Have a great trip!

At 12:57 AM , Blogger Julie said...

Since your name was on my blog via Newscoma, I wanted to say Hello.
Have a wonderful time on your trip and have some cocktails for me!! Sounds like you have worked for it.


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