(insert name here)

the semi-regular musings of a semi-regular dude who's trying his best to make anything-but-regular music.



that's what i've been playing all week. so, just so i don't get my ass kicked by the lady(ies) of she said what for poor blogmanship, i'm going to attempt to bring everyone up to speed. in the words of inigo montoya:

"lemme 'splain...no, there is too much. lemme sum up."

--was in the stu-stu-studio all weekend working with my buddy neilson hubbard on some new songs. pleased as punch. i think i'll get the mixes today or tomorrow. i just wish i had the dough to make another cd (and sell it), 'cause i think the last 6 songs we've done are wicked good. anyone got any ideas? i know some of you all have marketing degrees or something. put 'em to work.

--went to see my friend cary brothers and aqualung sunday nite @ 3rd & lindsley on the lightning 100 show. i'd heard cary and was really curious to see how he did live (we're always checking the competition, musicians). the wife was more interested in aqualung. cary did really well and i was impressed by his songs and musicianship. aqualung (pronounced with a short "a" if you want to say it like the band), on the other hand, blew me away. the songs were gorgeous and sad and beautiful, the band was immensely talented, and matt (the singer/pianist/writer) is quite funny. they even played "god only knows," one of my fave beach boys tunes from one of the best f'ing albums of all f'ing time. in the words of david brent, "brilliant."

--watched the afi top 100 movie quotes last nite. funny to note how i knew quotes from movies that i didn't know existed. in other news, my netflix queue grew by roughly 20 films around 11p last nite.

--found out this morning that my stepdad is getting remarried in a couple of months. i guess technically he's not my stepdad anymore since he's technically not married to my mother since she's technically not alive, but he's still my stepdad and it's still just a little weird to think about him moving on. don't get me wrong. i'm absolutely delighted that this wonderful man, who shaped my life in more ways than i can imagine, is in love and is happy. he deserves it and every other happiness in the world. it's just still kinda weird, y'know?

i can't wait to have a few minutes to share my thoughts on things of a deeper nature, like that pesky downing street memo and how the pres might be feeling the political swimming pool turning into a hot tub.


At 4:38 PM , Blogger newton dominey said...

you totally would've cried. he said it took on new meaning when he and his wife had their son. i almost cried (but i'm a crier, so that's no big news).

At 7:13 PM , Blogger Stella said...

I like to act like I'm not a crier, but I totally am.

And I meant to comment on the marketing thang...yeah...we'll have to devise a plan. At least I can help you brainstorm stuff...maybe when we all go out for some crunk.

At 10:55 PM , Blogger newton dominey said...

i'm down with that, as long as crunk means drinks or food or something legal...

At 7:51 AM , Blogger Jamie said...

Ok, it's a chick flick, but watch Love Actually, where they used actual footage from Heathrow Airport and play God Only Knows behind it. This is my newest wine & movie night movie, and the song never fails to move me.

At 9:55 AM , Blogger Stella said...

That's the only DVD I've ever bought the day it came out. Obsessed. And not totally a chick flick. Dudes love it, too. Just most don't admit it. Newton would admit it if he did.

At 2:55 PM , Blogger newton dominey said...

i haven't seen it, but i'd probably like it if i had. and i'd admit it, dammit. notting hill's a fave (upsy daisy!), stepmom ruled (but slayed me), never been kissed was pretty cool...but i also like all the rambos, chuck norris flicks and anything with nunchucks, just so everyone knows i like chicks and stuff.


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