(insert name here)

the semi-regular musings of a semi-regular dude who's trying his best to make anything-but-regular music.


for lack of something better to say

it's late on friday. my brain is mushy. i can't think of anything deep, wise, clever or smart to say. apparently this guy couldn't either. he stole the idea from these guys, so i'm stealing it from him. feel free to steal it from me if you're in a pinch looking for a late friday post.

Friday's Feast
Name 3 people whom you admire for their intelligence.
bill gates, steve jobs, the guy who invented xm radio (i draw a very THICK line between intelligence and wisdom).

What's the last food you tried that you really didn't care for.
tempeh. i think i made it incorrectly, but it tasted like wet dirt. no amount of barbeque sauce could save it.

If you could rename the street that you live on, what would you want it to be called?
You're not really in Antioch, it's just a clever ruse.

Main Course
When was the last time you were genuinely surprised?
when the wife said i could buy a new keyboard. and then when she said she wanted a vespa.

Share a household tip.
gonna double up here. first, don't turn on the closet light once the wife's asleep. second, when wearing headphones turn the volume down before hitting play.

have a great weekend. better blogging next week...


At 11:21 AM , Blogger BB Logan said...

Friday's Feast
DP, JTC's dad and... um... I'll get back to you on the third one. *wink*

Eel. Nuff said.

We live in the part of Nashville I like to call "faux Brentwood." So, our address and all the little subidvisions, apartments complexes and streets around us, including ours, have "Brentwood" in the name. What am I saying? Anything would be better than a pretend Brentwood address.

Main Course:
B-day party for me thrown by JTC right under my nose. I had no clue.

When you co-habitate, always put things back where you found them... that way you and everyone else can always find things.

At 10:59 AM , Blogger Michael Hickerson said...

I can only be witty and charming in my blog four days a week..hence the Friday memes. LOL


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