(insert name here)

the semi-regular musings of a semi-regular dude who's trying his best to make anything-but-regular music.


you're not the boss of me...err, um, well, actually...

check out this picture:

that's a "vote no on 1" poster on the wall of my 3.5 walled slice of heaven aka my workspace.

i've had it up for a couple of weeks and haven't gotten any negative feedback on it until today when my bosses came to me and told me that i needed to take it down to avoid possible "hr issues."

being the easy going nice guy that i am, i obliged. now, however, i'm wondering: can they force me to remove it or punish me if i don't? i don't want to cause trouble, but my guess is that if it carried a different message or supported a different cause, that nothing would've been said. in fact, i've had peta, aclu, and ralph nader flyers and material prominently displayed on my walls for the 3 plus years that i've been here.

just looking for advice and/or guidance...


At 2:33 AM , Blogger Just Larry said...

Dude, if your name is on the shingle, you make the rules.

Saw you at the hockey game the other night, when are you gonna lace up and play?


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