(insert name here)

the semi-regular musings of a semi-regular dude who's trying his best to make anything-but-regular music.


eat up.

i barely have time to rip people off...but until these guys get pissed about it, i love these types of questions. here are my answers; what are yours?

Do you get excited when the season begins to change? Which season do you most look forward to?
season changes are cool, as long as they don't jack with my allergies. by far, fall is the best season. spring comes in 2nd, winter 3rd and summer last.
What day of the week is usually your busiest?
at this point they're all equally busy.

Would you consider yourself to be strict when it comes to grammar and spelling? What's an example of the worst error you've seen?
definitely a spelling and grammar stickler. capital letters notwithstanding. i don't have any examples of egregious errors.

Main Course
Who has a birthday coming up, and what will you give them as a gift?
the wife. rest assured that it's big, it's this weekend, and it's a surprise. she might read this, so mum's the word. i'll blog about it this weekend and next week i'm sure.

If you could have any new piece of clothing for free, what would you pick?
it'd definitely have to be a corduroy suit. i played the same show as david rawlings once and he had on a gray one. if it wasn't for the respect i have for him, i would've hit him with my guitar and stripped him. if i can't have one of those, i'll settle for a bitchin' white non leather belt.


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