(insert name here)

the semi-regular musings of a semi-regular dude who's trying his best to make anything-but-regular music.


did you vote?

i did. the line was really short and, aside from getting some static from a blue hair when i asked if they offered a spanish version of the ballot or a translator (i was just curious), it was mostly pain free. this is the first time i've ever voted in a primary; it feels kinda neat, like i'm doing a better job as a citizen to be involved this early.

here's your political action statement of the day:


and here's my question:

how much english do you have to speak in order to gain citizenship? can you be a citizen and still not read enough english to vote? i'm not trying to start an argument, i really don't know.

(august cd sales update: as of this morning, i've sold 1 cd. one down, 49 to go, 28 shopping days left. PLEASE HELP ME!!!)


At 4:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to pass an English test to be naturalized, but some native-born Americans speak only English, especially the children of illegal immigrants and Puerto Ricans (who are U.S. citzens and mostly speak English).

At 4:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops, "speak only Spanish" it should say ("... and who mostly speak Spanish.").


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