(insert name here)

the semi-regular musings of a semi-regular dude who's trying his best to make anything-but-regular music.


just like the jeffersons

that's right, boys and girls, i've packed up my shit and moved to a new site.

you can now find my little slice of nirvana over here.

please adjust your links, bookmarks and lives accordingly.


my blog sucks.

really it does. el sucko. gone to hell in a handbasket even.

here are the issues:

-i don't really consider myself a blogger. i'm a musician who started a blog so he could get stuff off his chest when necessary and promote his music as much as possible. lately, i haven't been doing much playing out (been recording and trying to write). so, not much news worth reading. on top of that, i haven't had many bones to pick and haven't had the opportunity to do much "happy days" posting about my recent trip to new hampshire or the start of hockey season.
-i've been really, really busy. i took a new position at work to make more money (meaning i probably sold a little bit more of my soul), which limits my free time at work. that was, quite frankly, when i would do most of my posting, so there goes a handful of posts each week. i've also been volunteering 2-3 nites a week for congressman ford, trying to make sure he gets elected to the senate. frankly, this year's election is a lot more important than whatever i'm doing with music or life in general, so...
-blogger.com isn't mac friendly. that's why i did most of my posting at work. now, even if i had time to post from home i couldn't because my laptop took a nosedive in the past 3 weeks and i don't have the money to replace it (see above "more money" comment).
-my templates all f'd up and i don't know how to fix it. something got messed up a few weeks back and all of my links and whatnot got shoved to the bottom of the site. chris wage helped me fix it once, but i forget what he told me to do. frankly, i want a neato, new template all together like what jill's done over at she said what, but i don't have the time to make it. if you wanna make one for me, be my guest. i'll buy you a beer. maybe even two.

so that's where i am.

i know that a few of you have been concerned about sadie, mine & bwe's lovely little sexy puppy. she's been getting better - still not where she was, but the antibiotics and steroids have helped, her blood count's coming back and she's got a little more energy than a few weeks ago. lemme tell ya: that's one expensive dog. since the last week in september, i guess about a month ago, we've spent somewhere around $1000 or more on appointments, ultrasounds, drugs, blood work, tranfusions and stupid chicken breasts from sam's wholesale (that i don't want to buy but that are the only stupid things you can put her pills in that she'll eat). so basically, i need a laptop right now, but i have a dog that's alive and (mostly) well. i'll take it.



you're not the boss of me...err, um, well, actually...

check out this picture:

that's a "vote no on 1" poster on the wall of my 3.5 walled slice of heaven aka my workspace.

i've had it up for a couple of weeks and haven't gotten any negative feedback on it until today when my bosses came to me and told me that i needed to take it down to avoid possible "hr issues."

being the easy going nice guy that i am, i obliged. now, however, i'm wondering: can they force me to remove it or punish me if i don't? i don't want to cause trouble, but my guess is that if it carried a different message or supported a different cause, that nothing would've been said. in fact, i've had peta, aclu, and ralph nader flyers and material prominently displayed on my walls for the 3 plus years that i've been here.

just looking for advice and/or guidance...


dog update, cd update, travel?

busy boy, sick boy.

dog update: sadie's up & down, getting better but not as fast as we'd like. we're back to the vet tonite (again, franklin road animal hospital is staffed by saints and angels. this would be much more difficult if not for their kindness and desire to fix the dog, not buy a new hummer). we're hoping that the blood test today shows that her count's going back up and that she won't need another tranfusion. she's been pretty mopey since friday, just lethargic and not her bright, bouncy, VOCAL, normal self. fingers crossed, prayers for dogs, hoping for the best...

cd update: i finished burning and labeling all the cds for those that purchased heater in august last nite. i've got 20 or so copies ready to mail and, Lord willin' and the crick don't rise, i'll get the rest ready tonite and mailed tomorrow or wednesday morning. sorry it's taken me so long. who knew it took a month to get all that stuff done?

i'll be heading to new hampshire for a couple of days of rock climbing this week and playing in a friend's wedding this weekend, tacking a show on to the end of the trip for good measure (hello, tax write off).

sorry the updates and posts have been so sporadic lately...lots going on, undecided as to whether it's good or bad...